A note from our founder...
“I created IAG in the belief that vertical farming technology could transform the agricultural industry and deliver a better, more sustainable future for all of us.
Over the past six years, IAG has grown at an astonishing rate. Much of our success is down to the faith of private investors, people who believed in our vision and our technologies from a very early stage.
IAG is now embarking on the most important phase yet of our growth journey, as we roll out sales of our industry-leading growing technologies worldwide. We are more excited than ever about our company and the role it has to play in revolutionising farming for the 21 st century.”
— Jaz Singh, Founder of Innovation Agri-Tech Group
Due to a combination of factors stemming from climate change, Covid-19 and Brexit, the need for vertical farming technologies is greater than ever. We offer forward-looking and sustainable solutions to these problems. We are focused on establishing IAG as one of the major global players in the booming vertical farming industry, while building long-term value for our shareholders.
If you’re a sophisticated or high-net-worth investor who is looking to achieve steady returns while making a positive impact on the planet, please get in touch to find out more.